Sangeeta is a 2021 Grammy® award winning Vietnamese American singer, multimedia artist and producer. This milestone makes her the very first female Vietnamese - American singer to have won a Grammy in all of history. A sublime vocalist, charismatic performer, and a gifted composer, Sangeeta’s body of work is both cinematic in scope and accessible to the casual listener. In a world where we are all searching for inspiration, Sangeeta consistently delivers.
Full Sangeeta Kaur Biography
Short Sangeeta Kaur Biography
Sangeeta Kaur Discography
One-Sheet: Click image to download
Press Photography: Click image to download
“With compelling authenticity and congruent grace, it doesn’t take long for Sangeeta to win the audience over. Her voice is one of wisdom and elegance. I am deeply moved by the depth of her performance and how committed she is to delivering an experience to her audience at a level they never could have expected.”
- Shiva Baum (former head of A&R, Triloka/Mercury Records - current head of Music Programming, Bhakti Fest and Shakti Fest)
"Sangeeta has a gorgeous angelic voice that melts into your soul and hangs on tight."
- Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
"Kaur’s calling is to bring her gifts and training as a singer and producer and merge them with powerful, meaningful messages that can benefit the world in positive and uplifting ways."
- Kathy Parsons, Mainly Piano
"This CD must be listened to over and over to appreciate all of its splendor and beauty."
- Greg Steffen
“One of the things the bio highlights that Sangeeta is dedicated to is ‘demonstrating the true power and necessity of the goddess energy in modern times’, and with my many years of listening to nearly every type of music on the planet, I can tell you that she has achieved the focus she was after."
- Dick Metcalf Contemporary Fusion (Rotcod Zzaj)
"The operatic experience weaves ancient yoga teachings and timeless wisdom through fusion of multi media expressions: song, dance and mantra. It is directed to take the audience on a journey that will inspire them to connect with their inner heart, spur their own timeless wisdom, and to stir each and every observer of the opera mantra to exercise their altruism."
- Meditation Talks
"De origen vietnamita, Sangeeta es una cantante de opera y de mantras que ha conseguido unir a la perfección, su sensacional voz, su estilo operistico con la recitación de mantras, ésto la ha llevado a ganar el premio en el año 2016 “Global Peace Song Awards”.
- Roberto Vales